Friday, January 21, 2011

Simmtronics in India and VIA launch green PCs

A few years ago all of the major manufacturers were pitching energy efficient computers. Quite frankly, only VIA could really claim that their desktop PC designs were in fact super power efficient. Is it just me or has the "green" message gone out of favor when it comes to computing in the West? Well in India, where reliable power supply can be an issue, green computing is not only good for the environment, it makes sense if you need to be able to run your PC on a backup generator on a semi-regular basis. That's why I think that the green computing pitch that VIA is reviving for that market, with the help of manufacturing and distribution partner Simmtronics, might actually get a better uptake in India.

The sub-10K rupee VIA pc-1 mainboard PC (that's just over AUD$220) features a 1.6GHz VIA C7-D processor, 512MB RAM, 250GB HDD and a 15.6" LCD monitor. The keyboard and mouse are thrown in as well, with the case matching their red trim.

Source: ChannelTimes

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

VIA Labs promoting their USB 3.0 controllers with Zero clients

Thin clients are complete but low powered systems, connected to shared software and other resources. Zero clients are not completely independant systems at all. They're like dumb terminals, dependant on a server and bandwidth. VIA Labs are showing off their USB 3.0 portfolio at CES this year by demonstrating a host, hub and device controller products in Zero client solution.

"VIA labs is the only company in the world to have a complete USB 3.0 solution with host, hub and device controller products that are quickly setting industry standards. With an emphasis on delivering leading bandwidth performance while also pursing aggressive power-savings, VIA Labs is paving the way forward for new applications and devices in the broader electronics industry."

For more information, read the Press Release.